Innova vs. the Public High School

Innova Academy Public
Teacher Role Models All Innova teachers are committed Christians and active participants in their local churches. All agree to Innova’s statement of faith. They actively strive to foster a Christ-like environment in their classes and the school. Religion, in various forms, is taught in every classroom. Secularism, humanism, and moral relativism are foundational pillars of the program.
Educational Approach Innova is a classical Christian school. The Christian worldview undergirds all courses taught, and thus, all learning is Christ-honouring. Classical texts (i.e. Homer, Shakespeare, Darwin, etc.) are used to consider ideas. Issues that may arise from secular texts are considered in light of Biblical teachings, which serve as the moral and philosophical filter. Public schools adhere to the progressive educational movement. God has been purposefully removed from the curriculum, and the Christian teachers are not allowed to share their faith.
Academics Innova is dedicated to academic excellence. The rigorous curriculum helps students exceed the Ontario curricular expectations. Knowing students are capable of far more learning than they are given credit for, Innova uses the best possible curricular resources available and helps students to think logically and express their ideas clearly while fostering a growing love for learning. The program works to meet the Ontario curricular expectations.
Athletics Physical education is an integral part of the Innova program. While we strive for excellence, sportsmanship and integrity are valued over athletic success. The program offers various sports at school, often for an additional cost. Specific health and sex education content is provincially mandated.
Art & Music Masters of Music degree and Art degree Specialists lead the students in developing their unique, God-given gifts. Subjects can be taught by teachers who are not experts in the field.
Advocacy in Student Development All Innova staff advocate for students not only in academic excellence but also in a growing faith of Christ – encouraging growth in knowledge and wisdom and shaping these students to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Teachers support students academically and socially.
Tuition Full scholarships are available to students who qualify for this year only. Tuition is paid for through government taxes.


Graduates, through their years at Innova, will have had the opportunity to: 

  1. Hear the full Gospel, and be encouraged to grow in a personal faith in Jesus Christ, exemplified by prayer, service, the study of Scripture, and fellowship within a local church
  2. Practice love, grace, respect, encouragement, and humility in relationships through the intentional cultivation of virtue
  3. Experience awe and wonder for creation, with exposure to its beauty, laws, and complexity, for God’s glory
  4. Grow in a lifelong love of learning, stemming from inspiration, discipline, and an increasing mastery of core knowledge and skills
  5. Read deeply and learn to reason wisely, discerning truth from folly, according to the Scriptures
  6. Practice communicating clearly and persuasively, with wisdom, eloquence, gentleness, and respect
  7. Work diligently with perseverance, learning the importance of gratefulness and of glorifying God with one’s gifts, rather than oneself
  8. Engage in and become equipped to critique and renew culture by communicating about current issues through a biblical worldview, developing in courage and grace
  9. Serve Christ actively in the community by intentional sharing of the Gospel, learning how to practically imitate Christ and to love others first
Innova Academy