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Is Innova Right for You?

  • Are you committed to Christ?

    God’s word speaks to commitment in various aspects of life. Deuteronomy 6:5 outlines what Jesus later calls the first and greatest commandment of all: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength.” The community of Innova believes foremost that a love for God is foundational for being a faithful follower of Christ. As a staff, it is our desire to consistently model lives committed to Christ. If you love God with all your heart, are committed to serving Him with all your strength, and have a desire to point others to the same relationship with Christ that you have, we believe Innova is the right place for you.

  • Do you believe the Bible is relevant to all areas of education?

    At Innova Academy, the Bible is foundational in our approach to teaching all subjects; it is not limited to a class added to our curriculum. Rather, we believe that every area of study must integrate Biblical principles, and we teach that all knowledge and life extend from God. For example, in our study of history, we understand that the past relays God’s unfolding plan of redemption, and when we study science, we observe that the orderliness of the universe points to a Creator. If you are looking for a school that integrates Biblical teaching across the curriculum, then Innova Academy will be a good fit for your family.

  • Does your family value education and do you characterize yourself as a life-long learner?

    At Innova Academy, we believe God created us in his image. We are curious by nature and possess the ability to learn new things. God instructs parents in Deuteronomy 6:7, to “impress them [God’s Word] on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” In other words, learning takes place at every opportunity. Scripture also speaks to the need for life-long learning. Proverb 16:16 states, “How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.” It is our desire that students develop a love for learning, for books and reading, and to become life-long learners. We teach the tools for learning: to be curious, to ask questions, to seek answers, and to draw conclusions. If you value life-long learning, then Innova is the right place for you.

  • Do you affirm that children ought to behave respectfully?

    God has given parents the responsibility to train and mentor their children to become responsible citizens of God’s kingdom (Deut. 6:6-7). At Innova Academy, our teachers partner with parents to assist them in carrying out this task. We seek to promote a loving but structured environment with clear behavioural expectations in which children respect their teachers and each other. We expect parents to support our teachers and administrators as we work together to uphold high standards of conduct. If you value a learning environment that fosters a respectful relationship between teachers, parents, and students, and between the students themselves, then your children will do well at Innova Academy.

  • Do you believe in teacher directed learning?

    Today many educators promote child-centered learning, an approach in which the child initiates and directs his own education through exploring subject matter that interests him. With this approach, the role of the teacher is to facilitate rather than direct learning. At Innova Academy we believe that teachers have a responsibility to impart knowledge and skills to their students, that teachers ought to direct student learning, and classrooms should have an atmosphere of orderly engagement. This does not mean there is no room for students to pursue areas of particular interest, or that students are not encouraged to interact or to be creative, but it does recognize the role of the teacher as leader. If you support teacher directed learning, then we invite you to consider Innova Academy for your family.

  • Does your commitment to Christian education extend beyond your own children?

    We view Innova Academy as a community of believers committed to mentoring children to grow in their academic and spiritual lives to serve Jesus Christ. We desire to partner with families whose commitment to Christian education and Innova Academy will extend beyond the years their children attend our school. Families of graduates provide valuable support in a variety of ways, including prayer, community awareness, volunteering, and financial support. If you view your involvement in Christian education as a long-term commitment, then you share Innova’s vision for a multi-generational school community.

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