About Us
We are a classical Christian school located in Newmarket, Ontario educating students from junior kindergarten through grade twelve.
Innova Academy was founded by a concerned group of parents and educators to address the need for a school that would partner with parents and the local church to provide a rich academic education, as well as equip children with the tools they need to become the next generation of Christian thinkers and leaders. We believe that the best model of education to meet these goals is classical Christian education.
The term “classical education” is unfamiliar to many people. Classical education reaches beyond the acquisition of knowledge to develop skills that are essential throughout life – the ability to think critically, communicate eloquently, and learn independently. For an introduction to classical education see this article.
Innova Academy believes the purpose of education is to cultivate the intellect and character of its students. That purpose can be achieved only through integrating a comprehensive Biblical worldview in every area of life. We endeavour to mentor students to develop the virtues, wisdom, knowledge, and skills necessary for further academic study. Our goal is to equip students to discern truth from folly, to communicate clearly and persuasively, and to actively and influentially serve Christ in their communities. Thus, education at Innova calls students to excellence in academic pursuits, godly character, wisdom, and service.
We invite you to peruse our website to learn more about our school. Contact us by email at
info@innovaacademy.ca. Soli Deo Gloria! Glory to God Alone!
Innova Academy exists to assist Christian parents in their God-given role to educate their children and mentor them to grow in their love, commitment, and service to Jesus Christ. As a Christian classical school we provide a robust academic program emphasizing grammar, logic and rhetoric in all areas of study. All subjects are taught as parts of an integrated whole from a biblical worldview. We endeavour to provide a clear model of a biblical Christian life and encourage each student to begin and develop his or her relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20).

Innova Academy aspires to graduate young men and women who will possess the virtues, wisdom, knowledge, and skills necessary for further academic study. Our goal is to equip students to discern truth from folly, to communicate clearly and persuasively, and to actively and influentially serve Christ in their communities.
The Latin word innova means renew. Our school name has twofold significance, one pertaining to our theme verse, and the other pertaining to our pedagogy.
Innova Academy has adopted Romans 12:2 as its theme verse – Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (ESV)
The renewal of the mind Paul exhorts in this verse begins at the time of conversion and continues throughout life. The word mind does not only refer to the intellect, but encompasses the understanding, will, and affections, all of which must be trained to seek God. As Warren Wiersbe aptly states, “The world wants to change your mind, so it exerts pressure from without. But the Holy Spirit changes your mind by releasing power from within. If the world controls your thinking, you are a conformer; if God controls your thinking, you are a transformer.” [1] At Innova Academy we come alongside parents to mentor children to renew their minds. Through both our curriculum and school culture, we seek to equip students to discern the will of God and cultivate character that desires to conform to God’s Kingdom and serve him rather than the world.
Innova Academy’s approach to education is also a renewal of pedagogy. We are returning to the time-honoured, proven method of classical education that has produced the greatest thinkers and leaders in the western world; an approach that equips students with the knowledge, wisdom, and tools they need to be effective ambassadors for Christ in today’s world.
[1] Wiersbe, Warren W. The Bible Exposition Commentary. Vol. 1. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996. Print.
Principal/Head of School
6-12 Vice Principal
JK-5 Vice Principal
Curriculum Director
Administrative Assistant South Campus
Administrative Assistant – North Campus
Support Program/Prep Teacher/Aide
JK Teacher
Junior Kindergarten Teacher & Aide
SK Teacher
Grade 1 Teacher
Grade 2 Teacher
Grade 3 Teacher
Grade 4 & Primary Phys. Ed
Grade 5 Teacher
Grade 6 Homeroom & Music Teacher
Grade 7/8 Humanities
Art Teacher
3-8 French Teacher
6-12 Math Teacher
6-12 Phys. Ed. Teacher
High School Humanities Teacher
6-12 Math Teacher
6-12 Science
Logic Teacher
Adjunct Bible & Science Teacher
The Scriptures repeatedly declare that God is their author and that they are inspired by him. ‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God [lit. God-breathed], and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness’ (2 Timothy 3:16). We accept these affirmations and believe that the Scriptures are infallible and inerrant as originally given.
We believe that these persons within the Godhead are one in their nature and eternal in their being. Since they co-exist eternally they are not various modes of existence at various times by the same person.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, the second person of the Trinity; therefore, equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. As a divine being he shares with the other members of the Trinity all of the attributes of divinity, both communicable and incommunicable (eternal, immutable, omnipotent, etc). In the incarnation, he took upon himself the true nature of man. These two natures continue united in his person, yet ever remain true divinity and true humanity, unmixed, and as to their essence, unchanged. In his work, Christ discharges all three of the offices of the mediator between God and man: those of prophet, priest, and king. In both his humiliation and his exaltation he fulfils all things that are required for the salvation of human beings.
We believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. We believe that the atoning death of Christ at the cross was substitutionary and vicarious in nature, removing the sins of those who trust in Christ for salvation and turning aside the wrath of God against us. Christ’s death therefore accomplishes man’s reconciliation with God. Concerning his resurrection, which is the great central fact upon which the Christian Gospel is founded, we believe that Christ rose physically from the dead on the third day. We believe that the resurrection of Christ is established on the authority of God’s infallible word and is manifest by many varied and convincing proofs.
We believe that God created human beings male and female in his own image and, therefore, gave to them a transcendent value and worth. We believe that humans were given a choice, but humanity chose to rebel against God the Creator and the result was spiritual and physical death: the image of God is thus marred in humanity and the human will is disposed and inclined to sin. By the gracious work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, human beings may be regenerated, become new creatures in Christ, and the image of God may be fully restored in them.
We believe that at the Last Day, which must throughout this age remain unknown to people, Jesus Christ will come again to this world. His coming will be visible, bodily, glorious, and triumphant to fully inaugurate the totality of his physical kingdom rule. He will take his own to be with him forever and he will cast the wicked into the lake of fire to be punished with everlasting, conscious punishment. There will be a new heaven and a new earth in which perfect righteousness dwells. Of this fact we are to be certain; of its time we are to be uncertain so that we may always be ready and may say, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and is, therefore, equal in power and glory with the Father and the Son. It was the Holy Spirit who caused Mary to conceive the Lord Jesus Christ in her womb, and the Spirit was given without measure to the Son. The Spirit was involved with the Father and the Son in creation, the resurrection of Christ, and was poured out in his fulness at Pentecost upon the Church.
[1] At Innova Academy we come alongside parents to mentor children to renew their minds. Through both our curriculum and school culture, we seek to equip students to discern the will of God and cultivate character that desires to conform to God’s Kingdom and serve him rather than the world.
Innova Academy’s approach to education is also a renewal of pedagogy. We are returning to the time-honoured, proven method of classical education that has produced the greatest thinkers and leaders in the western world; an approach that equips students with the knowledge, wisdom, and tools they need to be effective ambassadors for Christ in today’s world.
[1] Wiersbe, Warren W. The Bible Exposition Commentary. Vol. 1. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996. Print.