Support Us

Innova Academy is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. Donations (monetary donations valued at or above $20) made to Innova will be receipted.

Why give?

There are many organizations that a donor can support through giving. Good stewardship requires donors to be wise in their selection. The official purpose of Innova Academy is:


“To advance and teach the religious tenets, doctrines, observances, and culture associated with the Christian faith through the education of children using classical pedagogy with a private school as defined by Section 1 and as authorized by Section 16 of Ontario’s Education Act.”


In living out our purpose, we work tirelessly to be an organization that seeks first to bring glory and honour to God. We aim to be bold in our witness, biblical in our theology, high with our standards, excellent in our execution, careful with our spending, and generous in extending grace. Dollars donated to Innova are used well for building God’s Kingdom.

What to give to:

  • General Fund

    Donations to the general fund assist in the on-going expenses of operating a Christian school in this economy. These expenses include, rent, salaries, curriculum, resources,  etc. Private Christian schools in Ontario receive no financial support from the provincial or federal governments. All of the expenses must be covered through tuition revenue and donations. Without the support of generous donors, the cost of tuition would need to be raised to a level that would make it prohibitive for many families. Donations not otherwise specified will go to the general fund.

  • Bursaries

    There are many families that would like to enrol their children at a Christian school, but their financial situation prevents them from being able to shoulder the entire cost of private education. We believe that the Innova student body should be reflective of the local church body, not just the segment of the church body that has above average income. Bursaries allow families with financial need to be able to enrol their children at Innova.

  • Designated Gifts

    Throughout each year, Innova will be seeking donations for specific projects. Projects could include instruments for the music department, costumes and props for the drama department, classroom computers, new curricular resources, etc. If you are interested in supporting a specific board-designated project, please contact us to learn more details of what we are working on.

  • Building Fund

    Interest in our school continues to rise. Donations to our building fund are set aside for future land and/or building needs as interest exceeds our current available space. If you are interested in investing in the future growth of classical Christian education and Innova's commitment to training up men and women of virtue and faith who are culture shapers rather than followers, please consider investing in our building fund.

Ways to give

By Credit Card

Credit card donations can be done securely online by clicking the Donate Now button below. Please note that this requires a 4% fee that is taken off your donation to Innova. To give the full amount to Innova, please see the Interac e-Transfer or By Cheque sections. If you would like your donation to be allocated for a specific purpose (operating fund, bursaries, designated gifts or the building fund) please indicate this in the “Write a private message to us” section on the Canada Helps site. Donations not otherwise specified will be allocated to the operating fund.

Donate Now

By Interac e-Transfer

Interac e-Transfer donations can be sent to (No service fee required.)

By Cheque

Donations by cheque can be made out to “Innova Academy” and mailed to the following address. (No service fee required):

Innova Academy
1000 Gorham Street
Newmarket, Ontario
Canada L3Y 1L8

Gift In-kind

CRA allows for gift in-kind donations to qualify for charitable donation receipts. The fair market value of items will need to be assessed at the time of the donation. If you have specific items that you are interested in donating to Innova, please contact us to discuss the details.

Capital Property

 For donations of certain types of capital property, CRA allows for an inclusion rate of zero on any capital gain realized on such gifts. This makes capital property donations highly tax efficient. Details of the types of capital property that qualify can be found on CRA’s website here

Donation Receipts


Donations (monetary donations valued at or above $20 or in-kind donations valued at or above $100) made to Innova will be receipted.


By credit card: Donation receipts will be issued by Canada Helps. Once you have completed your donation, you will immediately receive a tax receipt by email.


By e-Transfer, cheque, gift in-kind or capital property: Donation receipts will be issued by Innova Academy and are mailed out at the end of January for donations made during the previous calendar year.


Thank You

To all of our past, present and future donors, we say “Thank you.” As believers in Jesus Christ, we are to be busy building His Kingdom. Innova Academy is a small part of God’s vast kingdom, and we thank you for partnering in the work that He has called us to. Soli Deo Gloria!

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